Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Favorite Scots

It's been awhile. I know. Just wanted to share a sketch of Ewan McGregor on Craig Ferguson (it was on repeat last night, and I hadn't seen it the first time around). I love Craig Ferguson's show, by the way. He always cracks me up. Then, getting to see Mr. Ewan McGregor on the show was just an added bonus. After the interview and a commercial break, they came back to do a sketch that had me laughing so hard that I had tears coming down my face. Well, anyway, here's the sketch:

In case you want to see the interview...their Scottish banter may have you scratching your head in parts, but is still very funny.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


So much has been going on lately that I don't know where to begin. Do you want the long or short of it? I'm opting for the short because I don't feel like typing too much tonight.

In a nutshell, my job searching continues. I know what I want, but have yet to get it. Basically, I am looking for a teaching position at either the Elementary level (grades K-6) or in Middle School English (grades 7-9). I am certified in both of those instructional areas. I have had a few job interviews over the last 6-9 months. However, all administrators tell me the same thing..."We have an overwhelming number of applicants." No surprise for me there. Welcome to my world of finding a teaching job in Pennsylvania.

Anyway...I continue to keep my options open to other careers and fields, as I know that I have enough job experience and professional qualities to allow me to succeed in other areas. However, finding that right area is also a challenge I continue to face.

I am currently working for an educational publisher, but it is a temp job so it's definitely not something I would want to do forever. On the bright side, between this temp job and my job as an Asst. Director of a summer camp, I have enough work to keep me busy through August. That will allow me to, at least, make money while I continue my search for a full-time job (with benefits!)

I'm tired of giving my money out-of-pocket for health insurance. It's ridiculous what I pay per month...God forbid you have a herniated'd think the world was going to end because of it. Nevermind that I exercise on a regular basis and hardly notice the good ol' HD anymore. But, I digress.

Steering back to the main point here...there are some promising leads on the job front, but nothing I'm going to talk about right now. I'm trying not to jinx myself. Plus, I said this was going to be short, but's already gone way past that. I just type way too fast for my own good :o)

This was random, yes, I know...but that's how my head works sometimes!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

For Tom

So that I don't have to hear Tom badgering me anymore, I've decided to post something. I don't really know what I will write about or anything, but it will be an update, nonetheless.

Let's see...hmmm...

  • Tom ate 4 slices of pizza last night before Jon finished 2.
  • Tom needs to thread a string through the waistband of his sweatpants, pronto.
  • Jon put on my scarf and then complained that it smelled "all girly." (Who asked him, anyway?)
  • Tom needs to get his stuff organized.
  • Amicable is a word used by sophisticated people, like me.
  • Don't talk to Jon while he's watching the news.
  • Tom's crock pot is really greasy and needs to be cleaned.
  • Jon is acting obsessive about his hair.
  • Tom is acting obsessive about his hair.
  • Colleen is not acting obsessive about her hair.
  • Jon will not tell me when his birthday is, even though I think I already know the date.

Okay, I'm done now :o)

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Shameless Plug

Last February, I posted a mini-review of a band I went to see, called Downtown Harvest. I was so excited when, in November, the band surfed onto my blog and left me a very nice comment on the post. (Check the comments link on the original post.) So, today, I am looking at DH's website, and realize that they put a link to my blog on their press page! Now I'm even more excited because, well, I am famous now. At least, I'd like to think so! Just let me have my moment, okay?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Say It Ain't So

After 17 years, Montel is saying goodbye. Hopefully it doesn't have anything to do with his health (he was diagnosed with MS in 1999). I can't tell you the last time I watched his show, but I remember the days of coming home from high school and tuning in. I especially liked watching when Sylvia Browne was going to be on (even though throughout the more recent years, there has been much speculation about her psychic abilities).

Anyway, hasta la vista, Montel. Take care of yourself.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Can You Solve This?

**Updated 1.30.08 - see link to solution below!

Supposedly, this is an IQ Test given in Japan for employment in the IT industry. I don't know how valid that is, but this is interesting anyway. Apparently, the average person takes 15 minutes to figure it out. Yeah...good luck with that!

Before you try it, you will need to know the following info. The objective is to get all the people across the river.

I suggest you open the link in a new tab or window so you can refer back to these rules:

  • Only 2 people on the raft at a time
  • The father cannot stay with any of his daughters without their mother's presence
  • The mother cannot stay with any of her sons without their father's presence
  • The thief (striped shirt) cannot stay with any family member if the Policeman is not there
  • Only the Father, the Mother, and the Policeman may operate the raft
  • To move the people click on them. To move the raft, click on the red pole on the opposite side of the river.
Okay, go here for the test. (This IS work safe!) Click the blue circle to begin!

Leave me a comment if you would like the solution sent to you.....otherwise, I'll post it in a few days!! (And I promise you that there is a solution, because I've done it!)

*So as not to spoil this for anyone who hasn't done it yet...I've put the answer in a separate link. Click for the solution!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


My layout was in need of an update...I hope you like the new colors! I'm quite happy with it.

If anything is hard to read or looks kinda funky on your computer screen, let me know so I can change as necessary!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Wrist Saga

This will be a short update because my wrist is hurting even worse today, which makes it hard to type. I was awake until almost 3 a.m. last night trying to get comfortable enough to sleep. I am one of those people that won't take meds for something unless absolutely necessary. However, I think some Advil may do me good and is worth a try. Perhaps playing Guitar Hero with my sister yesterday was not such a great idea? (Although, I only played 3-4 songs!) On a positive note, I have not yet gotten booed off the stage, and that is while playing with an injury!!! Everyone better watch out when my wrist is better.

Well, anyway, I'm off for more x-rays tomorrow!

*Got the results.......not broken (although I figured that because I was using my hand just fine before the results came in). It was just a bad sprain.

Monday, January 14, 2008


New year. (Hope you all have a great '08)

New month. (It's January!)

New stories. (Eventually!)

New pictures. (In a bit.)

New problems. (See below.)

Okay, first let's get the problem out of the way. It's not a major problem, though...just more of an inconvenience. As some of you know, I hurt my wrist last week on Thursday when I tripped going down my basement steps. Stupid slippery slippers. Anyway, I am always trying to be so careful because of my back (herniated disc, remember?). So when I started to lose my balance, I tried to sit back on a step, but realized there was way too much momentum going, and "sitting" was not going to happen.....therefore, I tried to brace myself by leaning my left hand down against the step so my back wouldn't hit...and then, just owww.

Unfortunately I came down on the outside edge of my left hand, so there's a bruise there. From the picture, it would be the Carpals/Ulna area of my left hand & wrist. It was very swollen at first but that went down a good amount after icing it. I've also had some numbness, swelling and tingling through my fingers. I went to see my doctor on Friday morning and he ordered an x-ray...he briefly looked at it and said he didn't see a break, and that it was more than likely a bad sprain. But, then I got a call today that they want me to come in for some more x-rays because, after looking at it more thoroughly, they can't say there's definitively not a break or crack there. The strange thing is that I am really not having any serious hopefully having more x-rays is just a precaution and will not mean something worse.

Thank you to Patrick, my personal Physician Assistant, for wrapping it up so nicely for me to drive home from his house the other night :o)

Onto the new pictures...

Pictures and Video from Wii Night @ Patrick & Kendra's:

The Video!