So much has been going on lately that I don't know where to begin. Do you want the long or short of it? I'm opting for the short because I don't feel like typing too much tonight.
In a nutshell, my job searching continues. I know what I want, but have yet to get it. Basically, I am looking for a teaching position at either the Elementary level (grades K-6) or in Middle School English (grades 7-9). I am certified in both of those instructional areas. I have had a few job interviews over the last 6-9 months. However, all administrators tell me the same thing..."We have an overwhelming number of applicants." No surprise for me there. Welcome to my world of finding a teaching job in Pennsylvania.
Anyway...I continue to keep my options open to other careers and fields, as I know that I have enough job experience and professional qualities to allow me to succeed in other areas. However, finding that right area is also a challenge I continue to face.
I am currently working for an educational publisher, but it is a temp job so it's definitely not something I would want to do forever. On the bright side, between this temp job and my job as an Asst. Director of a summer camp, I have enough work to keep me busy through August. That will allow me to, at least, make money while I continue my search for a full-time job (with benefits!)
I'm tired of giving my money out-of-pocket for health insurance. It's ridiculous what I pay per month...God forbid you have a herniated disc...you'd think the world was going to end because of it. Nevermind that I exercise on a regular basis and hardly notice the good ol' HD anymore. But, I digress.
Steering back to the main point here...there are some promising leads on the job front, but nothing I'm going to talk about right now. I'm trying not to jinx myself. Plus, I said this was going to be short, but look...it's already gone way past that. I just type way too fast for my own good :o)
This was random, yes, I know...but that's how my head works sometimes!
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