Friday, March 24, 2006

Oh, My Little Cockroach, You're So.......Cute??

Uhhhh, I don't think so. I'll never forget the first time I ever saw Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches in person. Yes, they were alive. This was during my senior year of college in my Science Education class. If I remember correctly, my friend Amy W. (now Amy K.) was the only one brave enough to actually hold them, while the rest of us just squirmed and winced. I would have to check with Amy to remind me why the cockroaches were in our class in the first place...perhaps one of our group presentations? But, anyway the point is, I never understood how she could actually hold one and not get that creepy-crawly "get-it-off-of-me" feeling!

Why do I bring this up, you ask?? Well, I just found out from my cousin today that there are jewelry designers out there who actually use live cockroaches for women's jewelry. Apparently, after adding decorations, the designers attach the bugs to a little chain to keep it contained to the area of clothing it is clasped to.

Just a note...If any of you out there are looking for a gift for me...this would NOT be a good choice. I don't even like watching them move, let alone feeling them move on my body. Definitely not my cup of tea. If you are a brave soul, you can also watch a short news clip about this "designer jewelry."

And, lastly, if you are crazy enough to be interested in actually buying one, well, knock yourself out. But, it's gonna cost ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they used the decorated cockroaches on "America's Next Top Model" last week. It was sooo nasty!!!! These model types had cockroaches crawling all over them. Who the heck would like something like this?!?!