Friday, July 27, 2007

Another Update on Logan

Much has changed since my last post. What the doctors initially thought to be an infection was actually a tumor. The mass they removed from her brain is an anaplastic meningioma. Anaplastic means it's malignant...and it's on the World Health Organization's Grade III stage of Cancer, with IV being the worst.

Apparently, this type of aggressive meningioma is very rare in children. Not all meningiomas are fact, most are benign. Unfortunately, however, in Logan's case, it is malignant. Her oncologist only found 19 reported cases of this in children worldwide since 1971.

Logan and her family have a tough road ahead. In mid-to-late August, she will begin 6 weeks of radiation, going 5 days a week (Mon.-Fri.). Needless to say, she will need all the strength and bravery her little 6-year-old heart can muster.

As I say goodbye for the summer to her two sisters at camp next week, I will probably find myself thinking of them often. Please keep Logan and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

One more thing...just wanted to share this song. Logan's mom said it has helped her in getting through, this is for Logan...

John Mayer's "The Heart of Life"

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