Friday, December 14, 2007

American Gladiators

Is anyone else looking forward to this show's return? I know I am. I was a big fan of the original. Erin and I used to watch it on Saturday mornings after, what else, "Saturday Morning Cartoons." That was when Saturday morning television was actually good. Aaah, yes, the good ol' days of Laser, Nitro, Turbo, Ice, and all the other gladiators. Well, I will be tuning in to see how this one compares to the original. From the previews, it looks very much the same. So, we will see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Bean- I agree! I'm looking forward to the joust and the obstacle course :) I hope it's not cheesy or overdone. I also remember trying to "re-create" the stunts they did in our backyard using various items we found in the garage. Good times...

Thanks for sharing Beaner!