Friday, January 19, 2007

Random Bits

Did anyone see Grey's Anatomy last night? I cried like a baby when George's dad died. Of course, my sister laughed at me...I'll remember that the next time she gets but a tear in her eye.


Back on December 12th, I talked about Pearl Jam's cover of The Who's "Love, Reign O'er Me." At the time, I only heard a snippet of the song in the trailer for the movie, "Reign Over Me." Well since then, Pearl Jam has put the entire track on their MySpace page and it is, go listen to it right now...well, not right now...but, after you're done visiting my blog.


In my last post, I put up the trailer for Zach Braff's upcoming film, "Fast Track." However, Mr. Braff himself recently reported in his hilarious MySpace blog that there has been a name change. So, if you go looking for the movie and don't find it, you can't blame me for not telling you! It is now called "The Ex" because apparently it had nothing to do with a track. Go read his blog's quite funny...BUT (need I remind you twice?) only when you are finished here.


I've been crazy busy lately (hence the reason for the lack of updates)...I have taken on three part-time jobs. First, I've been doing freelance writing in Education for a little less than a year and I've been doing many assignments for that recently. Also, I started tutoring back in the fall after my summer job was over. Now, I've just picked subbing back up again, twice a week.

In addition to the jobs, I've been taking steps that will hopefully lead to a permanent teaching position...By "steps," I mean this:
  1. I sent in my application materials for New Jersey State Certification, after passing a required Praxis test called Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (they don't use this particular test in PA).
  2. Plus, last Saturday I took two more tests for certification in Middle School English and Middle School Math to widen my certification area. I should have those results in about a month.
  3. As if that wasn't enough, I am taking one more test in March, called Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge to prove my "Highly-Qualified Status" as a teacher in PA, due to requirements by No Child Left Behind.
  4. And, no I haven't gone broke....yet.
Wow, I'm exhausted just writing this. I officially release you to listen to Pearl Jam and read Zach Braff's words of wisdom. But, I'll be back...

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