Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mindless Entertainment

Everyone needs it once in awhile. Check out the Escapa game, aka The Red Square Game. Don't ask me why I like it, but it was sent to me in an email, and now I'm addicted. My current score is 23.284 seconds after playing for about 10 minutes.

So, do you think you can beat my score?? Let me know what you get.


Houseopayn said...

Darn you Colleen!! I got addicted..and then I got addicted to beating your time!! The last one I just did was 24.734..and then I just said no.


Colleen said...

Okay, I just played it two more times and got 24.565 seconds. I beat my last score but I'm still working on beating yours, Chris.

Colleen said...

Alright, I got it...i just played 2 more times (again) and now I got 26.298 seconds. Sorry, Chris, you'll have to beat that now!