Monday, January 09, 2006

The Gifts That Keep On Giving

Usually every year at Christmas, I have a good-sized "wishlist" of music and movies that I hope to receive. My parents and other family members ask me to make a list because they always say they'll never remember the names of things I want or that they've never heard of half of the musical artists I put on my list (more on that issue later). It's not that I anticipate receiving my whole list either...I also keep the list for myself, because, many times whatever I don't get from family, I go out and buy for myself with Christmas money. Don't get me wrong, I don't only get movies and music, but ironically, my family seems to have a much easier time picking out clothes for me than some music.

So, here is my and movies are the perfect gifts for me for two reasons: 1-I love listening to/watching them, and 2-They're the gifts that keep on giving. Think about it, most music and movies you obtain as an adult (or young adult) will be ones you'll continue to go back to for years after. While I don't often reach back to my pre-teen years of listening to NKOTB or MTV Party to Go, I find myself listening to the same artists or watching the same movies that interested me starting in high school.

Anyway, here's the list of CDs and DVDs I was fortunate enough to receive for Christmas from various family members. Some were bought by me after Christmas, noted by ($):

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