Monday, January 09, 2006

Am I a Music Snob?

Okay, so if you were reading carefully in my previous post, I talked about how some family members have never heard of many music groups that I listen to. This seemed to be the general concensus on Christmas Eve. So, here's what happened. Before my cousins and I opened our polyanna gifts, the kids were playing some music on the radio. A song by the pop group Fall Out Boy came on and, immediately, my younger pre-teen cousins as well as my 17-year-old sister, Kelli, started singing along and professing their love for their music. I just kinda rolled my eyes and made some kind of noise that showed my obvious distaste...Kelli immediately starts questioning me, "What, Col, you don't like them?...What's wrong with them?"...and so on.

Now, fast-forward to about 45-minutes later...the polyanna gift-opening has begun and it is my turn to open. On top of the packages is what appears to be a wrapped, I go for that first. I have about half of the paper off when I see the words "...Out Boy" appear under the partially-ripped paper. I immediately freeze and carefully look over to my Aunt Mary who does all the wrapping for her kids' polyanna gifts. She wasn't paying attention at the time, so I lean over to my cousin Julianna (Aunt Mary's daughter) and say "Jules, is this gift supposed to be for me from Frankie, or is it supposed to be for Kelli from you?" She stammers (knowing full well that I didn't like this group) and then whispers something to her Mom. Aunt Mary instantaneously pipes up that she must have gotten my CD mixed up with the one meant for Kelli. So, of course, everyone had a good laugh at my expense...Kelli found it hilarious that I received a CD of a group I had slammed not an hour before. When I finally got the right CD, it was The Shins, Chutes Too Narrow...this led to even more snickers and questions from the peanut gallery..."What's a Shin? Are they anything like 'The Elbows?'" So, Kelli starts spouting off that I am a music snob because I like bands like Pearl Jam, The Beatles, Neil Young, Death Cab For Cutie, The Who, etc... My Dad immediately backs me up and says, "She just has good taste in music...she gets that from me..."

So, what do you think? Is there such a thing as a music snob? Am I one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Col, Now I know my own..and you are a music snob. It's good's ok. The Shins are fantastic. It seems like our music interests are very much alike. A fellow music snob..well done!
