Sunday, October 30, 2005

Countdown to Halloween: 1 day!!!

My Costume History - Part 6

Well, this is the final installment of my Halloween costume history. Tomorrow is the big day already! I have one last costume to show though. My costume in this picture is yet another homemade one. I have usually preferred to go the homemade route whenever possible. It just always seems like more fun that way.

Me as an Old Lady, Erin as a Pirate, Kelli as Roadrunner - I think Erin and I were around 12 or 13 here...Kelli looks to be around 2 or 3.

I wore an old shift dress that belonged to someone in my family and we stuffed the top of it to look like I had big you-know-whats. The cane was also borrowed, as well as the shawl (which I believe my Great-Grandmother made). We already had the wig. If you look closely, you can see I am wearing knee-high stockings that I ripped to make them look old. I can't remember where I got those ugly glasses from, but I do know my Dad made up my face to look like I had wrinkles. He also gave me lipstick drawn outside my lip line.

The plastic parts of my sisters' costumes were store-bought, and again, my Dad did Erin's makeup. I think somehow they made the sword...possibly from cardboard and duct tape??

Recently, when my Mom and I found this picture, she started laughing because she said my face looked so little and lost beneath the glasses and wig. This has been a lot of fun for me, finding these pictures again. Not only because I know people are laughing at me, but also because it's been a great chance for my family and I to relive some of our favorite Halloween memories.

I hope all of you have enjoyed reading about and seeing pictures of some of my Halloween costumes. Tomorrow, I'll post a special Halloween picture of my doggy and re-tell my recent Halloween trick on my sister. 'Til then...goodbye and good night.

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