Happy Halloween!
As promised, I have some pictures of our dog, Murphy, all dressed up for Halloween. Unfortunately, I had to snap these quick because Murph does not like having things on him...he shakes and cowers until we take everything off. Kelli and I only spent $5 on this costume from Target because anything more is just not worth it for him. Our Mom thought we were nuts when we brought it home.

This costume actually also came with a felt mask with little holes for his eyes, but there was no way he was keeping that on...he scratched it right off. Here he is with the helmet. He managed to keep that on for a few minutes. I also had to roll up the pant legs because they were too long and he kept tripping on them when he tried to walk (even more reason for him to hate the costume).
Trick...or Treat?
So, now, onto the story of the trick I played on my little sis, Kelli. Let me preface this by saying that I am a very nice sister; however, sometimes duty calls. I have had the idea in my head for this trick for a few weeks now, just waiting for the right time to carry it out. The right time happened to be this past Friday night. Kelli had gone to the mall for a couple hours with her friend. Since the mall closes at 9:30, I knew she'd be getting home soon after that. As soon as my Mom left to pick Kelli up, I quickly filled in my Dad on my idea and enlisted his help. Basically, the idea was to put the movie "The Ring" (which I own) into her DVD player in her bedroom and freeze frame it on the scary character Samara's face (there's a really good closeup of her at the end of the movie). Knowing full well that Kelli would be freaked out by this, I decided to take it a few steps further. My plan included unscrewing the light bulbs from her overhead light, bedside lamp, and upstairs hallway light. So, her room was dark except for the glowing light of her TV. Plus, we put a Halloween Sound EFX CD on in the room next to hers so she could faintly hear the creepy sounds coming through her wall. So, this was all set up for when she got home from the mall. I also needed the help of my Mom to get her up to her room as soon as they got home. My Mom had the idea to tell Kelli she had left some pictures on her bed that she had forgotten to carry down earlier. Therefore, as soon as they walked in the door, Kelli sat down on the couch and my Mom pipes up, "Kelli, before you get comfortable, can you run up to your room? I left some pictures on your bed that I forgot to carry down earlier. I need to look through them for Aunt Jo." My Dad furthers this by saying, "Kel, try to hurry up though because we're going to put a movie on." So, Kelli goes running into the living room to head upstairs. Now, I knew she'd put on the hallway light before going upstairs, so when she flicked the switch and it didn't go on, she called out, "Um, the hall light must have burned out." My Dad calls to her, "Okay, I'll get a new bulb...just hurry up and get those pictures." Kelli runs up the steps anyway and into her room. Not even 30 seconds later we hear her barrelling down the stairs screaming like she was being chased. Then she goes, "Who put that on my TV?? Get that off my TV!!" The rest of us ran into the living room laughing hysterically and she started laughing too. She said it was so freaky because just as she was turning into her room, she saw the glow from the TV and wondered who had left it on...she peeked around the corner of her dresser to the TV screen and that's when she started screaming.
This is basically the picture that was frozen on her screen (without the background and words):

She says she will get me back, but I really don't know what she could do to scare me. She says it may not be just scaring me for revenge...and I'm not really sure what she means by that, so I'll keep you posted.