Sunday, April 29, 2007


In addition to being so crazily busy this week with freelance writing, I got the FLU. I got through most of the week without it...which is good because I had to tutor a few nights, an interview on Thursday morning, and a tight writing deadline. However, I went to work on Thursday afternoon not feeling quite right. That night when I came home I knew something was up...I was aching all over and had the chills. A temperature check showed I had a 100-degree fever. Ugh.

I called out of work yesterday morning and spent a good part of the day home alone in bed. Although the fever is gone, I am still dealing with stomach pains and not being able to eat much but toast, soup, and rice.

Unfortunately since I am in close contact with kids who think nothing of coughing in your face when you're sitting right next to them, I am always going to get these annoying little bugs. I think I need to take double doses of vitamins! Where's Dr. Oz when you need him?!

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