Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm Confused

No, really...I am. Yesterday I was doing some "research" online (well, not real research...hence, the quotes)... actually, I was just looking for some ideas for Theme Days to bring to a meeting next week for my summer camp job. For the past 10 years that I've worked there, we've recycled many of the same Theme Day ideas and I was just looking for something new. Well, I came across a 2002 article from the Austin Chronicle and I was a little baffled by the ideas thrown out there for Theme Days for SCHOOLS.

Here's a snippet:

Raver Day - Sideways cap, large pants (UFOs a plus); Boys: button-down white shirt; Girls: anything that shows your midriff. And lots and lots of "kandy."
So, apparently, "Kandy" is not just a city in Sri Lanka...Kandy can also be the trippy glowy friendship bracelets that ravers exchange at raves. Hmmm...who knew? Maybe you did and I'm just out of the loop. See Wikipedia, since we're not talking official research or anything. I love this line from the Wikipedia article, though:
"Candy ravers may or may not use recreational drugs."
Sorry for the digression...back to why I'm confused. Ok, I'm confused about why you'd 1-encourage girls to come to school with bare midriffs, and 2-suggest the "kandy." Maybe it's just the teacher in me, but isn't this going a little too far? Why have the kids, essentially, "celebrate" the acid culture? I'm assuming the Austin Chronicle article is talking about high school kids here, not college kids...which would be a very different I'd probably not be concerned with.

Here's another one...I love this idea too (does my sarcasm come across?):
Pimps & Hoes Day - Girls: short skirts, too much make-up; Boys: flamboyant suits, big hats with feathers, and canes.
Again....a school, in a sense, is sponsoring this, as if it's a commendable lifestyle? It's one thing if a kid dresses up as this for Halloween or something---on their own, at home, with parents' permission...But a school would basically be saying "C'mon everyone, let's be Pimps and Hoes!!"

Aren't schools supposed to be setting an example? I'm not naive to think that high school kids don't know what pimps and hoes are or that they aren't dressing overly provocative on their own, but why encourage the lifestyle by putting it out there for a school-sponsored event.....what purpose does it serve? Just my 2 cents.

Feel free to weigh in on any of the way, I didn't find anything but the usual camp theme day ideas, ya know--Hawaiian Day, Costume Day, Crazy Hat Day, etc.--so I'll keep searching. If you've got any ideas for me, let me know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that a site would tell teachers to encourage young girls to dress up like ho's. Seriously, enough of them dress like that on a daily basis. Maybe they should have "conservative" day or "priests & nuns" day.