The Eve of the New Year
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! It is hard to believe that the New Year is already about to begin. I am having a somewhat low-key NYE this year. The friends and I are going to dinner down in Philly and then heading to Keith & Michelle's for a small group party! There will be drinks, food, and games galore...(and, who knows what can never predict anything with these people!)
Have you thought about New Years resolutions? Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't. I'm sure everyone has at least one thing that they would like to do, if they really put their mind to thinking about it. I have quite a few are some of them, in no particular order:
- Take my vitamins...yes, yes, I know...doesn't sound like much of a resolution, but for me it is...I get colds very easily, especially being an elementary school teacher!
- Exercise more...not only do I want to lose weight, I also want to go back to doing the exercises I was given at my last round of physical therapy. It's no wonder I still have back & neck pain...I haven't kept up like I should have.
- Get a massage...yeah, to help with the pain...anyone want to donate to my cause?
- Get a permanent teaching position...I want somewhere to settle in...I'm tired of floating from place to place.
- Move out...yeah, this is dependent on whether I get a permanent job.
- Worry less, open up more...I worry a little too much sometimes...I need to learn to go with the flow. I also tend to keep my feelings inside and dwell on them...Basically, I need to stop that!
- Say no (respectfully)...ok, get your mind out of the gutter...all I mean is that I too often don't take enough time for myself. I often give up my free time doing things other people want me to do. While I know this is sometimes a good thing when help is needed, I either don't get things done I need to do, or I get stuck doing what I don't want to.
- Pick my battles...I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, not necessarily towards others, just mainly on myself. I put too much pressure on myself to get things done and do it right. I need to continue to realize that you win some, you lose some...let it go!
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