Thursday, September 22, 2005

Is This A Joke?

I received the following invitation in the mail today from my good friend, Lisa, and her husband, Ed. Take a look at picture 1 (card front), then picture 2 (card inside)...notice anything?

I wonder if Elmo loves parties that he's not really invited to? Yes...technically, I am invited to nothing. So, I don't know where I am going, when it is, or who it is for. My friends don't love me anymore!

Hehe...nah...I'm just kidding. I've already emailed Lisa about this. She would never do such a thing! I just found it incredibly funny when I opened up the envelope today and found a blank card! Oops..someone made a boo-boo ;o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha...leave it to Lisa to forget to fill it out. That little girl inside her belly is taking all of her brain cells. The party is 10/8/05 at 2pm at their house.