New year. (Hope you all have a great '08)
New month. (It's January!)
New stories. (Eventually!)
New pictures. (In a bit.)
New problems. (See below.)
Okay, first let's get the problem out of the way. It's not a major problem, though...just more of an inconvenience. As some of you know, I hurt my wrist last week on Thursday when I tripped going down my basement steps. Stupid slippery slippers. Anyway, I am always trying to be so careful because of my back (herniated disc, remember?). So when I started to lose my balance, I tried to sit back on a step, but realized there was way too much momentum going, and "sitting" was not going to happen.....therefore, I tried to brace myself by leaning my left hand down against the step so my back wouldn't hit...and then, just owww.
Unfortunately I came down on the outside edge of my left hand, so there's a bruise there. From the picture, it would be the Carpals/Ulna area of my left hand & wrist. It was very swollen at first but that went down a good amount after icing it. I've also had some numbness, swelling and tingling through my fingers. I went to see my doctor on Friday morning and he ordered an x-ray...he briefly looked at it and said he didn't see a break, and that it was more than likely a bad sprain. But, then I got a call today that they want me to come in for some more x-rays because, after looking at it more thoroughly, they can't say there's definitively not a break or crack there. The strange thing is that I am really not having any serious hopefully having more x-rays is just a precaution and will not mean something worse.
Thank you to Patrick, my personal Physician Assistant, for wrapping it up so nicely for me to drive home from his house the other night :o)
Onto the new pictures...
Pictures and Video from Wii Night @ Patrick & Kendra's:
The Video!