Thursday, November 16, 2006

Forget the King

Right now, Burger King happens to have my current favorite commercial-- the whining parents...."You totally lied!...You totally said we could get a Whopper!"

Click here to see the commercial on Burger King's need to click on the first reel, "Manipulation."

I'm hoping that commercials such as this have replaced the creepy "King" ones. I'm glad I haven't seen them in awhile...I just need to continue to avoid them on YouTube. I've gotta say, this picture creeps me out way more than V ever did...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Be A Mindsticker?!

I was watching the Ellen DeGeneres Show today and she showed an old '70s commercial for Tab Diet Soda. I've never heard anything like it in my life...honestly, it looks and sounds like a fake commercial skit they'd do on is really that bad ("When you can't be with him, be in his a mindsticker.").

I had to listen to this again so I of course found it quite easily on YouTube. I especially love the line "Don't you want to have a good shape? He wants you with a good shape."


Friday, November 03, 2006

To Catch A Predator

If you haven't yet seen this series of reports on Dateline NBC, you must. I've been enthralled with it this Fall. The series is nothing less than shocking, disturbing, and maddening, but it's also not something one can easily turn away from. Watching it, you will see that just about anyone could be an internet that, I mean your neighbors or people you see around town every day...people you might never suspect. That's what makes it so frightening.

Dateline has some interesting insights and articles on their website about internet predators, such as Where are the female predators? and Is predator an Internet or social problem?

The latest installment in the "To Catch A Predator" series will air this Saturday, November 4th, at 8:00. It is part 2 of Chris Hansen's investigation in Harris County, GA.

Much recognition should also be given to an organization called Perverted Justice who are the ones responsible for making the online contact with these predators and aiding in bringing them to conviction. It seems that some people think "PeeJ" (as they are tagged) use entrapment to catch these predators...but as PeeJ has stated on their site, they do not in fact use entrapment:

"So are the files we post 'entrapment'? No. Not on any level. First, entrapment is a term created and judiciated against law enforcement officials. We are not law enforcement officials. Secondly, these people IM our names first. We don't IM them. They choose to say the things they say, to agree to the things they agree to, and to give their phone number for the verification call."
Today also happens to be "Verizon Cuts the Cord Day" when they will aid PeeJ in shutting down over 40 pedophile websites and organizations by cutting off their streams. To read more about this, as well as to find out more about what Perverted Justice does, take a look at their site.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Post-Halloween Fun

Last night I was watching Jimmy Kimmel (who, by the way, cracks me up) and caught a video segment of Jimmy's Cousin Sal, handing out candy to neighborhood kids. One of the best parts about Halloween is looking back at the tricks you play and laughing about them...even better, sometimes, is when you can laugh at the tricks other people play. You must see some of these kids' faces (my favorite is the little boy with dirty blond hair from Part 1, who freaks at the scary sound at the door).

Head to ABC's site to watch "Cousin Sal Trick or Treat" Parts 1 & 2 (videos are in the "Now Playing" List):