The Universal Sign for "No Deal"
Universal signs are probably the ultimate form of nonverbal communication. There are many signs that are recognizable across the world, each meaning something specific.
Of course, there's the Handicapped sign...
The No Smoking sign...
The sign for Parking...
The sign for Restrooms...
And, yes...the universal sign for Choking...
However, I think the world is screaming out for just one about the universal sign for "No Deal." If you watch the game show Deal or No Deal, you must know what I mean. I don't watch the show that often, but when I do, it's hard not to recognize that this signal is quickly catching on. It's basically the audience's way to communicate, non-verbally, with the contestant to show that they should not accept the proposed deal. It's very easy in fact...all you have to do is sweep your arms right over left, then left over right, in an adamant manner. Some people like to add a shake of the head to make it even more effective. I don't have any graphics to show you exactly what this looks like, but I do have some help if you really want to learn. Every time I see the "No Deal" signal, I can't help but think of the hand jive. Yes, that's right...the "No Deal" signal can actually be seen in the hand jive. What does that look like, you ask? Well, here you go...
Practice it...learn it...therefore, next time you feel the need to tell someone "no deal," all you have to do is give the signal.