I'm Ba-ack...
It's been quite awhile since I posted last...I figured it out though...I've been traveling for the past 3 weekends and time has just flown by with hardly any time to sit down and update this thing.
Anyway, I just got back from my trip to Florida with my family...it was more of a road trip than anything...we flew from Philly to Atlanta, then hopped another plane from there to Pensacola, where we visited the Naval Aviation Museum. We spent the first night in a scary hotel in Pensacola, then drove to Tampa our second day. After staying over one night in Tampa, we did our own sight-seeing tour down the west coast of Florida, stopping along the way to walk on the beach in Naples and wishfully-think our way through very rich neighborhoods.
We also drove down Alligator Alley but didn't see any alligators. We did, however, see lots of swamps and Native American settlements. I won the award for the dumbest comment of the day when my Dad asked whether we wanted to stop at an alligator farm along the way. To that, I replied, "Yeah, I guess...as long as I don't have to touch one." Everyone burst into laughter, as if anyone would force me to touch an alligator anyway. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. It's okay though...I think, at some point, each of us had our "dumb comments of the day." That's what happens when you're forced to sit in a rental mini-van for long periods of time...your brain goes soft.
When we came to the end of Alligator Alley, we were more towards the eastern part of Florida, where we then drove south to stay the remainder of our trip in Pompano Beach, at my Grandparents' Condo...they are snowbirds that head south only for the winter. From that point on, we spent most of our time swimming in the pool, taking day trips to different places, eating dinner out, making waffles n' ice cream, and watching movies that kept Kelli up at night. Yes...I had the good fortune of sharing the couch with her when, one night, after watching the incredibly stupid and non-scary movie Saw, I felt a tapping on my shoulder three different times, waking me up. Kelli tells me she can't sleep. Sometime after the third tap, I eventually turned over to realize that Kelli had fled to my parents' room...leaving me by myself in the living room. Good thing scary movies don't keep me up at night....I just rolled over and went back to sleep. [Kelli denies this version of the story, claiming that I was snoring and keeping her awake...yeah...right.]
All in all...it was a great trip...very relaxing and fun. I was happy to come back home though, see my dog, Murphy, and sleep in my own very spacious bed, where I don't get tapped during the night.
I have posted pictures in my online photo album, not only of my trip to Florida, but also of my recent trip to Maine for Steve & Kathy's wedding.
One more thing before I forget...while in Pensacola, we had dinner at McGuire's Irish Pub...we had great drinks and food there (wow, their rum n' cokes are strong!...well, to me, anyway). Below are the images I scanned of the front and back of the coasters they use at the Pub. We got a good laugh out of it...hey, it could really come in useful!!

Okay...there's actually one MORE thing to add, totally unrelated to the above. I have started a castpost site to show some funny videos and pics I took at my summer camp. Go take a look at Lil' Jerry.
Hasta luego...